EuroCC Poland
National Competence Centers
EuroHPC is a joint initiative between 33 European member countries and the European Commission (EuroHPC JU) to build an exascale computing infrastructure in Europe. As part of the second pillar of this project, the creation of National Competence Centers in the framework of EuroHPC (EuroCC) are planned, which task will be to support scientific research in industry with the participation of researchers from the academic community and with the use of computing resources provided by EuroHPC supercomputers. High Performance Computers are now a key tool for the development of science and industry in Europe, their importance has continuously grown over the last three decades and has evolved into a technology that supports a number of the most important sectors of the European economy.
Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network
Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network
Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network
The Świerk Computing Centre
The Świerk Computing Centre
supecomputer Altair
- cooperation between HPC centers in a given country and the services and training they provide;
- work on the development of the improved and new support and technical assistance techniques;
- developing a business model of cooperation with various entities constituting potential groups of recipients;
- promotion and dissemination of knowledge at the national and international level;
- exchanging best practices and providing support to other European countries.
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET (leader);
- University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling;
- Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of
Sciences; - Gdańsk University of Technology, Centre of Informatics – Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network;
- National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Świerk, the CIŚ Centre;
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing.
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET (leader);
- University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling;
- Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of
Sciences; - Gdańsk University of Technology, Centre of Informatics – Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network;
- National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Świerk, the CIŚ Centre;
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing.